Thursday, October 25, 2007


-It's cold. Not Michigan cold, but Barcelona cold. I have no idea what degree it is.. but anyway, I should have brought a coat. Oops!!
- Going to Italy on Tuesday. WOO!!
- Going to be broke soon. WOO!!
- Lexi and I got haircuts and a boniato yesterday. Boniatos are yams. Haircuts.. you're on your own.
- We did this intercambio program with students from a tourism school on monday. It was slightly awkward, they outnumbered us like 4 to 1.. so we got together in groups of 3-4 spaniards with 1 american. And chatted. About.. fast food, and how Americans only eat hamburgers. That's what europeans think anyway. However we did meet some cool people, and we're planning to all get together this weekend. Should be fun.
- I have some pictures from the Casa Milá and from Park Guell, but I haven't gotten the chance to upload them yet. However, I did finally buy a new laptop battery, which means in 10-15 days I will be able to steal internet more frequently and easily.
- I found a spot near our house with decently strong enough wifi to make calls.. so I am trying to slowly make the rounds of friend llamadas without looking like an idiot by standing in front of a bank on the phone for too long. Meh.
- That's about it for now.. Hopefully I will have pictures up sometime this weekend. And I'm sure I'll take 1000 in Italy... Ciao!

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